Climate protection … Energy efficiency … Energy saving … EU project 2020 …
… Passive House (PH)

What is a Passive House?

A Passive House is a construction standard which achieves extraordinary low energy consumption.
Occupants of a Passive House enjoy excellent comfort conditions and high indoor air quality during
winter and summer, using an extremely low energy input.

What should you keep in mind when building or designing a Passive House ?

1) A good building envelope: one insulation layer
2) Avoid thermal bridges

3) Air-tight construction

4) High efficiency window glazing and frames
5) Mechanical ventilation system

The Origins of the Passive House concept

Dr. Wolfgang Feist and his partner Prof. Bo Adamson are the founders of the first Passive House
project which started 1988.

Standards for Passive Houses are mainly being defined by the “Passivhaus-Institut” (PHI)
Darmstadt in Germany, Dr. Wolfgang Feist.

Energy consumption and standards for a passive house certification

Annual heating requirement < 15 kwh/m2 per year
Primary energy consumption < 120 kwh/m2 per year
Air-tightness for building envelop n50 < 0,6/h (Blower-Door-Test)

The Passive House standard is the world’s leading benchmark for energy efficient buildings.
The low energy requirements of these kind of buildings can be covered by a vast array of alternative
Regenerative Energies.

(Ref: the EU Members 2008 / project 2020)


I lecture at University of Malta on the subjects like Regenerative Energies, Solar Thermal,
Photovoltaic and Passive Houses. I also lead and organise various seminars and tours to numerous
Passive Houses in Germany

Upcoming Projects / Events 2011

April 2011 - Organising the 1st Passive House Conference in Malta in collaboration with Prof.
Torpiano and Dr. Buhagiar (University Malta)

June 2011 - Organisation and collaboration of an American student project in Malta

Preparing the first Passive House Exhibition in Malta

The design & development of a Passive House Prototype on the island of Malta.
This buiding will be one of he first in Compliance with the European Union Project 2020.

(EU-Klimaschutzziele bis 2020 von 2007/2008/27 Staaten: 20% weniger CO2-Ausstoss, 20% Reduzierung von Energieverbrauch, 20% Anteil an
erneuerbaren Energien)

If you would like to join in/ if you are interested in a collaboration or sponsorship in the
Passive House Projects please contact me. or 00356-79367362